4 min

Universities and colleges often have complex, multifaceted websites that must cater to diverse needs. Prioritising these within your broader marketing and strategic plans can be as challenging as changing your outfit in a phone box.

While new projects often seem like the key to success, enhancing existing systems can be the real game changer. Incremental improvements in user engagement or more effective digital workflows can significantly boost your ROI and free up time and resources for other initiatives. It's like donning your cloak - small change, big impact.
However, digital transformation requires time and expertise - luxuries many higher education institutions may lack. That’s where we come in, offering expert guidance and hands-on support to drive your digital transformation forward. 

Our considerable experience as a leading Drupal agency and our partnership with Acquia enable us to develop complex applications that deliver reliability and top-notch performance for educational institutions.

Watch David in this video about our Acquia partnership

Hands surrounding a glowing light bulb with colorful abstract geometric shapes and lines, symbolizing innovation and creativity

Drupal is a flexible, intuitive, powerful CMS

Universities often struggle with outdated systems, inefficient workflows, and multiple platforms. 

A robust digital transformation strategy can streamline these complexities, and Drupal is a key player in making this happen. Its tailored, flexible, and intuitive CMS is designed to meet the unique needs of educational institutions.

Drupal makes it easy to be a hero
  1. Easy to customise: You don’t want cookie-cutter. Drupal’s modular framework allows us to create bespoke websites and applications that meet your specific needs, from intricate e-learning platforms to comprehensive university websites.
  2. Scalable: With all the new traffic you’re going to get, you need a CMS that can handle it! 
  3. Intuitive editing: Don’t pay us to add full stops. Drupal’s user-friendly tools make content management straightforward, so your team can easily update and maintain the site.
  4. Integrates with your existing systems: With an API-first architecture, Drupal seamlessly integrates with your other systems and services, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics platforms.

Success stories in Higher Education

Transforming WEA's digital customer journeys

For the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), we revamped their website to streamline user journeys, making it easier for users to find courses, sign up, and learn online. By integrating their systems directly into the website, we eliminated the need for users to navigate away, creating a smoother, more cohesive experience.

“We weren't quite sure what we wanted in the initial stages, but their friendly team worked with us at every stage to identify our goals and achieve them” - WEA TEAM

Our agile approach ensured constant improvement based on user feedback, resulting in:

  • Increased enrolments for online courses
  • Higher membership and volunteer rates
  • Enhanced user satisfaction

Read the WEA case study.

Close-up of a glowing blue computer keyboard with keys featuring icons for people, a graduation cap, and a webinar, symbolizing online learning and collaboration

Enhancing Skoll Centre's digital presence

At the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, part of the University of Oxford, we unified scattered content into a central hub, improving navigation and strengthening the online brand presence. This transformation led to better user engagement and more effective conversions.

“Versantus have been instrumental in shaping the Skoll Centre’s vision for a new website and have assisted us in developing a comprehensive roadmap to get there.” - Sophie Crowe, Skoll Centre

Read the Skoll Centre case study

Are you ready to wield the power of Drupal for higher education digital success?

Our core values and commitment to excellence ensure we deliver ongoing success for our clients. 

Our flexible approach allows us to adapt strategies to meet your specific business needs and budget, ensuring maximum impact and value. In fact, we developed our Launch Accelerator to take the guesswork out of digital projects and de-risk complex projects in higher education. It’s perfect for digital transformation initiatives, ensuring a smooth transition and successful implementation.

Whether you need guidance on digital marketing or a comprehensive audit of your current activities, we’re here to help. Together, we can conquer the digital universe!

Get in touch