7 min

Marketers often struggle with disjointed activities. If you find yourself juggling SEO, PPC, email, social media, and more you’ll understand how hard it is to take a step back from the day-to-day firefighting and really get a handle on a cohesive strategy. 

When activities happen in silos, it can leave you feeling as if you’re wasting valuable time and budget without understanding why your campaigns aren’t converting. 

Our Digital Marketing Manager and PPC Specialist, Luke Terzino, understands the disillusionment many marketers feel at the point they first contact us: 

"A frequent frustration I hear is that they lack the time to dedicate to their campaigns or the necessary expertise to elevate them to the required level. They worry that running campaigns without sufficient know-how could waste both their budget and time."

Pay-per-click advertising

How to use valuable PPC insights in marketing

Paid search - like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads and all the other variations of pay-per-click -  is a veritable treasure trove of data you can use to inform and optimise your other marketing activities. Unlike other marketing channels, PPC gives you highly measurable results in double-quick time. This transparency means you can accurately track ROI, test messaging, and refine your strategy.

  1. Use PPC data to research your audience

Google Ads in particular can provide detailed data on search terms, demographics, and market competition. This is great information for understanding your audience better and tailoring your SEO and social media strategies accordingly. 

  1. Jump-start traffic to a brand new website

When you launch a new website or app, PPC can drive traffic straight away. This fast data and immediate feedback is crucial for refining your messaging and user experience.

  1. Test landing page design for conversions

Your landing pages should be optimised not just for your paid search keywords, but for converting those visitors into leads - and for your organic and social traffic too. You can use PPC experiments to split-test landing page design and messaging to figure out what resonates best with your audience. 

  1. Tailor PPC for different stages of the marketing funnel

Paid search is a versatile medium that can be used at each stage of the funnel - from awareness to conversion. Tailor your campaigns to guide potential customers through their journey.

  1. Seasonality and fast messaging for peak interest points

Paid, Display, and social media ads allow for quick adjustments to messaging based on seasonality, offers or even current affairs. This agility helps you stay relevant and responsive, capturing interest at its peak - without having to rely on the slow burn of SEO or closed-loop engagement from social media. 

  1. Understand - and outperform - your competitors 

With advanced ad tracking tools you can get a handle on who you’re competing with for traffic. Here’s a clue - your competitors are not always who you think they are. Discover their keyword focuses, and then usurp them with paid, social media and organic campaigns to gain the edge for those terms.

Of course, all these great insights depend on getting your PPC campaigns in working order in the first place. As Luke puts it:

“PPC performance can vary greatly depending on your level of knowledge, understanding of best practices, and ability to adapt to Google's constantly changing algorithms. While it's true that (in theory) anyone can set up and manage a Google Ads campaign, the real challenge lies in creating one that is strategically optimised for your business, KPIs, and target audiences. All these elements must work in perfect unison, along with effective conversion tracking, messaging, and keyword optimisation, to achieve a positive return on ad spend (ROAS). “Managing a PPC account without a thorough understanding of its capabilities is like trying to fly a plane without knowing the controls. You might get off the ground, but you probably won’t make it round the world.”

lemon juice

Now you need a digital marketing agency that can help you get the most from PPC (that’s us).

We’re a Google Certified Partner, and have extensive experience as Google Ads specialists - but we do much more than this. As a full-service digital marketing agency, we offer a wide range of services including paid social, SEO, CRO, email marketing, UX design, and web development. 

With a stellar track record in various sectors, our team ensures your paid campaigns - whether paid search campaigns, or paid social like Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram ads - are seamlessly integrated into a broader, cohesive marketing strategy. 

Our core values - quality, learning, collaboration, and integrity - drive us to deliver meaningful results for our clients... like Sue, Marketing Manager at Allegra Care:

Versantus has consistently exceeded my expectations, delivering results that have significantly boosted Allegra’s online presence.”

So if you want to make more of your digital marketing, or optimise PPC for greater insights and positive ROI, let’s discuss how we can help you.